Mother Elk Reunites With Calf
On one of my visits to the coast near Point Reyes in Northern California, I noticed a mother Elk making her way along the hillside. She called and walked for several minutes, and it took some time before I realized what was happening. In this video, at 4 seconds in and again at 12 seconds you can just barely hear the mother emitting little chirps, like sonar, to locate her calf. Many wild animals sequester their young safely in a hidden spot while they go out to forage, and I had never seen the moment when they reunite before. It was so special to witness. I had a chance to talk with a ranger who said sometimes people think they need to rescue baby animals like this who seem to be left alone. But the thing to remember is mom is coming back for her baby, so the best thing we can do is keep our distance, trusting all is well.
On her way to find her hidden calf.